A website that is used to display the work of a photographer is not just a website. It is a dream and a display of talent for the photographer.
The need for these websites are thus to be fully-functional yet provide a platform to display the work effectively. The WordPress users are thus always looking for plug-ins that can add the functionality required and still ensure that the look, designed and the impact is not lost.
Photographers often use WordPress as they get full support on the platform along with the themes they are supported by plug-ins which means that they have to look no further to create the website they desire.
If you are a photographer who is looking for suitable plug-ins to complement your photography website then this article is just for you. Listed below are 10 best plug-ins which are picked by the experts that are widely used by most popular websites.
1. Envira Gallery
This one is known to one of the best plug-in for gallery creation. It is mobile-friendly and allows an easy way to create a highly responsive gallery. It is realized that the websites should create small screen versions as the number of users have drastically increased.
The plug-in is compatible with all WordPress themes and is quick and easy to use. It does not take much time and can be installed like any other plug-in.
It makes the browsing on the galleries simple and fun for the visitors. It allows simple inclusion of the meta tags and is SEO friendly as well.
2. Nextgen Gallery
The Photography website requires galleries so that the visitors can easily move through the content. The Nextgen gallery is another such WordPress plug-in that allows easy upload of the photo galleries.
This is a very simple plug-in that does a lot of display work which allows the photographer to focus on their art.
It is simple to manage and the images can be shifted moved with just one click. The users have all control over the display and they can easily make changes when required.
3. Image Widget
WordPress users have easy ways to add images to the widgets. Most of the themes come with widgets where they can even add images, the problem here is that they do not get everything automade.
The users have to manually add the HTML and even have to adjust the size of the images. This issue is resolved with the use of the image widget. This is a simple drag and drop option for the users to places on the website page which are widget ready.
There is no need for any HTML and the plug-in auto adjusts the size. One can easily upload a picture from the system and there is also an option of multiple image selection.
4. SlideDeck
The use of slide for a photographer cannot be overstated. The plug-in comes with SEO optimization which combining two of the best things together.
5. Booking Calendar
The website is used for business purpose and what better way to have a calendar to help with the busy schedule. The Booking calendar plug-in exactly this for the website owners.
It displays the booking made and space which is free; the customers can check your schedule themselves and make a booking when they see you have an opening.
When you are bust the website is automatically working as your admin staff. This works best for the photographers who do not want the stress and wants to save some bucks on the staff.
6. Shutter
When you are in the photography business you would not want to limit the images that you have for display.
The shutter plug-in allows you to add as many images to the gallery as you like. There is no limit to the number of images that you can add and also keeps an eye on the image size which ensures that the website does not slow down.
It is SEO-friendly which allows easy availability on the search engines. It is attractive and allows the users to add it anywhere adding to the aesthetic appeal of the page.
7. WP Media Tagger
The photography website needs a plug-in which can create simple categories for the display images. The themes mostly do not pay much heed to this and thus the use of WP media tagger comes into play.
It allows easy use of tags and categories to manage all the media files, images, and photographs. This makes it really convenient for the users to manage the images and browse through them.
8. Easy Watermark
When you are using original work and are worried about misuse and piracy then the best way to deal with it is a watermark.
The Easy watermark plug-in by WordPress allows every image that is uploaded to have a personalized mark. It automatically adds the watermark while the image is being uploaded. The users can manage the transparency and adjust the position of the watermark.
9. Soliloquy
The photography website requires sliders that can display the best-featured work in a slideshow format.
Soliloquy is the best way to showcase the work, the plug-in allows a quick and easy creation of fully responsive slideshows in less time.
These sliders can be added to pages, posts, and homepage as the users wish. This is speed efficiently and SEO friendly to ensure that the website does not slow down while the plug-in is in use.
10. WordPress SEO by Yoast
The WordPress SEO by Yoasts is an optimization solution for all kind of websites on WordPress. It is on the list of must haves as it is a must for ensuring that the website is ranked at number 1 on all sites.
The photography websites also enjoy the page optimization and allow easy use of the open graph metadata. The open graph metadata is popularly used by all media websites to show shares.
The users will be able to directly share the photographs from the page which means that the traffic to the website will increase.

Sonal S Sinha is managing director of Shri Krishna Technologies. He has been writing about website designing, digital marketing and WordPress ecosystem for the past 15+ years. He handles the overall operations and in his free time writes suitable blog posts which are knowledgeable and informative.